Alcohol Addiction Treatment
If you are seeking alcohol treatment options, there is no judgment at The Villa Treatment Center. We applaud every one of our clients for their courage in seeking rehabilitation and treatment for their alcohol addiction. We understand that it takes a lot of thought, planning, and confidence to recognize alcohol abuse and seek out a program that aligns with your vision for recovery from your alcohol dependence.
We encourage every person that speaks to our counselors and intake team to come to our luxurious and welcoming facility in Woodland Hills, CA, for alcohol treatment and rehabilitation. Alcohol use disorder is something we take very seriously and, at the Villa Treatment Center, understand that drug and alcohol abuse affects more than just your health. It affects self-esteem, family, relationships, work, and every aspect of life. That is what makes substance abuse so destructive and harmful.
Not only do we offer a practical, medically supervised alcohol detox program, watching for and helping you through withdrawal symptoms, but we incorporate individual counseling sessions, 12-step group meetings, and many types of alternative therapies. Alcohol addiction treatment should focus on every aspect of your life in which the alcohol interferes.
What is Alcohol Addiction?
How Does an Alcohol Treatment Center Support Sobriety?
Denial, Acceptance, and Understanding
Curing Alcohol Addiction Requires Treatment
What is Alcohol Addiction?
Alcohol abuse and addiction can be managed so that the afflicted can learn to lead a normal, happy, and valuable life, free of alcohol dependence. Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder, is often described as a disease because it is progressive, chronic, and, if left untreated, ultimately fatal. Because it’s a legal substance, alcohol is consumed worldwide. We see people consuming it at parties, at ball games, and on all media platforms. We are inundated with advertisements for alcoholic beverages in commercials and magazines. Alcohol use disorder and addiction can go unnoticed for an extended period of time because it is so readily available and their consumption so socially acceptable. When we pick up on addiction in ourselves or friends and family, it’s because the consumption and consistent use has demonstrably progressed far beyond the individual’s control.
When we realize that we or someone we love has alcohol addiction, it’s because they can no longer function without it. Drinking takes precedence over everything else and becomes the central focus of our life. As our life begins to unravel with neglect towards work, our relationships, and our personal responsibilities, we begin to see that it has a supremely negative impact on our well-being. When we understand this and try to stop or moderate but find we cannot, we realize we may be addicted. Asking for help is not a weakness! It takes strength to admit you cannot do it alone. Alcohol use disorder can be a thing of your past. With support groups and behavioral therapies available, The Villa Treatment Center is here to help you get past your alcohol abuse addiction and manage withdrawal symptoms!
Call us today to help get you started on your addiction treatment plan!
How Does an Alcohol Treatment Center Support Sobriety?
First and foremost, an alcohol treatment center, such as the Villa Treatment Center, is open and ready to assist you in getting your life back on track. Whether you are a single individual or one with a family counting on your recovery, alcohol use disorder substantially affects your life. From the overwhelmingly adverse effects on your health and well-being to the negative statistics surrounding job loss, arrest records, and financial distress of those facing substance abuse, we are here to help.
Did you know that Over 10% of children in the US live with a parent facing alcohol use disorder? Family members need you to get healthy, and although it may feel impossible, effective alcohol treatment options can help you stop drinking for good! At our treatment facility, you can expect
- Addiction treatment, including alcoholism treatment
- Access to support groups and group therapy
- Access to family therapy support and resources – Marital and Family counseling service options
- Professional treatment advice
- Alcohol counseling
- Talk therapy
- Open and trustworthy treatment professionals
- A treatment program tailored to your needs
- Alcohol treatment medications, when necessary
- Support and treatment to help you get through alcohol withdrawal symptoms
- Inpatient treatment options
- Behavioral treatment therapies
We know there are other alcohol treatment centers available to you, but we also know that the best recovery comes with the best treatment. At the Villa Treatment Center, you will be treated with respect and dignity by each staff member and mental health professional you encounter. Stop drinking and take your life back! Make alcohol problems an issue of your past and clear the future for prosperity and abundance.
Drinking Alcohol and drug abuse can be things of the past! The Villa Treatment center can help!

Denial, Acceptance, and Understanding
Alcohol addiction stems from the inability to cope with situations and feelings we have within ourselves. It’s common to see alcohol dependency develop in those that suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. When we realize that drinking becomes a necessity to get through the day, or keeps us from attending to our responsibilities, we begin to see we may have a problem. It can be a difficult thing for us to accept this and we remain stagnant in a debilitating stage of denial by ignoring the fact that alcohol is an issue for us. Denial bars us from taking the necessary steps to address the addiction and recover from it.
When we recognize we have a problem with alcohol we can treat the addiction and learn to manage our need for it. Recognizing the fact that we have an addiction is the first step before we can learn to accept it. Acceptance helps us to become open to seeking help and treatment for alcohol addiction.
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Addiction, 16.6 million people in the United States are affected by alcohol abuse and addiction. Of those people with alcohol consumption issues, only 1.3 million have sought out active treatment. There is often a stigma associated with owning addiction. Many people are afraid to accept and admit they have an issue because of the social stresses, fear of being ridiculed, and judgment from others around them. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism do not have to rule your life. There is help available. Our treatment process is here to guide you and support you throughout the recovery process.
At The Villa Treatment Center, we understand that it’s difficult to accept an addiction to alcohol but the sooner you get help, the more successful you’ll be in recovery.
Curing Alcohol Addiction Requires Treatment
Alcohol addiction is a serious condition that requires treatment. Over time, your job, relationships, and finances will suffer from it, and your life will begin to unravel. Life becomes completely unmanageable with alcohol dependence. There are also many serious health concerns that result from years of overconsumption of alcohol, including issues with cognitive function, liver disease and cirrhosis, cardiovascular issues, and immune disorders. The list of negative health problems is lengthy and can be avoided if we seek out active treatment with supportive medical care.
Alcoholism is one of the most difficult addictions to manage alone and requires a stable, fully structured treatment program to overcome. Because alcohol addiction is known to affect those who have a family history of addiction and the availability of it is high, it’s known to be intensely difficult to manage without inpatient care. When we work through an addiction to alcohol, it’s important that we immerse ourselves in a stable, safe, supportive, and sober community like the alcohol treatment programs available here at The Villa Treatment Center.

Our treatments for alcohol abuse and dependency include:
- Residential treatment
- Detoxification
- 12-step modality
- Transitional living
- Intensive outpatient treatment
- Partial hospitalization program
- Sober living
At The Villa, our alternative treatment options evolve as we craft treatment plans for every individual. We offer a variety of alternative supporting therapies to help with emotional management, self-expression, relationship development, and skill-building.
Alternative therapies used at The Villa Treatment Center for alcohol addiction include:
- Dual diagnosis
- Day treatment
- Music and art therapy
- Emotional therapy
- Meditation
- Yoga
- Equine therapy
- Family therapy and education
- Trauma therapy
- Evidence-based therapy
If you or someone you love is looking for an alcohol treatment clinic that builds addiction management skills and focuses on holistic treatment, call The Villa Treatment Center today.