Casual Marijuana Use and the Brain

Young people who are casual smokers of marijuana experience potentially harmful changes to the brain, with drug altering regions of the mind related to motivation and emotion. Learn more about how casual marijuana use affects the brain. Young People and Marijuana A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience looked at research projects focused on Read More…


How Does Marijuana Work?

Marijuana effects the brain and body in different ways, depending on the individual person. Some of the effects can change the way the brain functions over time due to chronic use. Learn how marijuana works and how prolonged use can impact the brain and body over time. How Marijuana Works When marijuana is smoked or Read More…

Weed Addictive

Is Weed Addictive?

Weed can be incredibly addictive, depending on the individual. Both mentally and physically addictive, the longer a person uses weed, the greater the chances of developing an addiction. New research suggests there are some benefits to the drug but it can also have harmful side effects. Learn about the addictive properties of weed and how Read More…