A trigger is something that makes an individual want to do an activity, usually harmful. Triggers are different for different people. An individual who smokes or has recently quit smoking might have triggers such as drinking coffee, socialising, being in a stressful situation, or smelling cigarette smoke. Types of Triggers Knowing what triggers affect an Read More…
Withdrawal Symptoms from Nicotine
Nicotine is a drug found in tobacco, which is what makes cigarettes addictive. In fact, the drug can be as addictive as alcohol, morphine or cocaine. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms usually only last from a few days to a couple of weeks. However, the cravings for cigarettes last much longer. Withdrawal Symptoms The body and brain Read More…
How Quickly Does the Body Recover After You Quit Smoking?
Smoking has detrimental causes to a person’s short and long term health. Tobacco smoke can cause harm to almost any part of the body, inside and out. Research demonstrates the benefits of quitting smoking set in mere minutes after the last cigarette is smoked. Find out how quickly the body restores itself after smoking and Read More…
Duration of Nicotine Withdrawal
Quitting nicotine can produce uncomfortable symptoms and withdrawal is unpleasant. It is possible to overcome nicotine withdrawal. Symptoms are strongest in the first 7 days following the last smoke. Most individuals experience the worst withdrawal symptoms a few days to a few weeks after quitting. Explore the following timeline to learn about the average withdrawal Read More…
How Addictive is Nicotine?
Nicotine is addictive, it’s one of the reasons why cigarette smokers find it so hard to quit the habit. Nicotine dependence beats all other kinds of substance dependence in America. People take to smoking for different reasons. Pressure from friends in the same age group, a relaxed family attitude to smoking, personal inclinations, trying to Read More…