Any mother who loses a child to the heroin epidemic experiences unimaginable tragedy. One mother in particular dedicated herself to waging a war against heroin yet still lost two sons to an overdose within hours of one another on the same night. Learn more about her story. The Fight Vicki Allendorf runs a national non-profit Read More…
Historical Timeline of Heroin Use in the United States
Opioid related deaths soared between 1999 and 2011, while the heroin epidemic also rages on. Although heroin addiction has been a societal problem with many facets and layers, it may have contributed to the acceleration of abuse and dependency on pain medication and other drugs. Learn more about the historical chronology behind the American heroin Read More…
How Can I Make a Difference in the War on Drugs?
The news shares about the everyday destruction drugs and addiction play on families and individuals across the United States. Maybe first-hand experience has brought the reality to one’s own doorstep. Every year more than $700 billion is spent in the United States on health care, crime and lost productivity due to addictions. Learn more about Read More…