10 Signs Someone You Love Needs an Intervention

10 Signs Someone You Love Needs an Intervention

It is not uncommon to discover a loved one has a problem with drugs or alcohol. Nearly 1 in 10 people are estimated to have a substance abuse problem. The people in that statistic are likely to need an intervention to get treatment. Learn the 10 signs a loved one needs an intervention.

1. Obstacles

The biggest obstacle to treatment for addiction is denial. Substance abuse is something which affects the mind and body. Addiction is still seen as a moral failing and the person weak for giving into temptation. It is rare to ask a person if a problem exists with drugs and alcohol and get a straight answer.

2. Tolerance

When a person needs more of the drug or alcohol to keep feeling the same effect, tolerance has built up in the body. As addiction escalates, tolerance develops and the body will not feel normal or in balance without it.

3. Deceptive Behavior

A person with addiction will disguise behavior. Showing up intoxicated but not too drunk or hiding prescription medications in unmarked bottles are just a few signs. An intervention can address the deception and help the person get help.

4. Hygiene

A person with addiction will experience marked deterioration of appearance. The individual may look haggard, has not shaved or looks chronically tired. Denial needs to be broken in order to get the individual help.

5. Forgetfulness

A person on heavy substances experiences black or brown outs and cannot recall things after a period of time. Recall may also be hazy at best.

6. Financial Issues

An individual with addiction will have problems with money. The cost of substance use adds up and, even if wealthy, it will show up at some point and the individual may be asking for money more often.

7. Mood Swings

Irrational behavior and mood swings may be more apparent and it feels like a roller coaster. Often the mood is determined by when last the drug was used but is tougher to predict as time goes on.

8. Just Getting By

Previously responsible people are now late for work, oversleeping or letting grades slip. Usually it is well known for a time but certain behaviors are recognizable. Changes may even be striking in nature so it is important to note any changes over time.

9. Isolation

The individual will start preferring time alone. Isolation is a common behavior as addiction progresses. Other people just get in the way and intervention may be the first time a person with addiction has been brought up. Breaking through isolation is a powerful tool in reaching a loved one with addiction.

10. Mental Health Issues

Mental health concerns once mild are progressively getting worse. Depression may deepen or the anxious person might have panic attacks or develop paranoid behavior. Alcohol and drugs become ways to self-medication for real emotional or psychological issues.

Trying to get a loved one to accept an intervention is difficult but not impossible. Call The Villa if you believe your loved one has addiction to see how we can help you discern some next steps to get them the help needed to heal.
