How to Prevent Relapse

  One way to prevent relapse is to resolve feelings of guilt in recovery. It is important to learn how best to deal with setbacks which can send a person into relapse. Explore ways to deal more effectively with setbacks in recovery and how it can help prevent relapse.   Relapse vs. Setbacks Relapse is often Read More…

Growing Up Around Alcoholism

Growing Up Around Alcoholism

Children of an alcoholic parent are three to four times more likely to become alcoholics as adults. Behavioral and emotional issues can arise from a dysfunctional home as effects of alcoholism on the family extend well beyond just the person with alcoholism. Communication is also stilted in families with alcoholic parents, creating more problems and Read More…

Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms

Can Marijuana Cause Withdrawal Symptoms?

Marijuana is one of the most commonly used drugs in the country but contrary to popular belief, it can also be addictive. While marijuana does not cause physical addiction, heavy users can develop a psychological compulsion to continue using which can disrupt their lives. As with any drug, stopping chronic marijuana use can result in Read More…

What it Means to Hit Rock Bottom

What it Means to Hit Rock Bottom

  The rock bottom point is different for every individual. Sometimes it is a life altering event, other times it is something personal such as losing a job or a broken relationship. Hitting bottom is a process as a person with addiction to alcohol or drugs goes through to lift denial about the nature of Read More…

Relationships in Early Recovery

Avoiding Relationships in Early Recovery

Sobriety is not just about getting clean and sober following years of drug and alcohol use. Relationships in recovery can also be challenging. The world looks different in sobriety, with a new outlook on life and way of being in the world it may feel like being reborn. For some people it is natural to Read More…

The Uses of Meth

What is Meth Used For?

Meth is a synthetic stimulant that was first developed in a laboratory in Japan in 1919. It was used to keep soldiers awake, especially during the Second World War. It kept fatigue at bay. It became popular because of its properties and also because its crystalline powder form was soluble in water and could be Read More…

Developing a Cocaine Dependence

Developing a Dependence on Cocaine

Cocaine can create serious health problems which may lead to cardiac arrest, stroke, seizure or death. Addiction is different from cocaine dependence in that symptoms vary person to person but can be difficult to discern without recognizing the symptoms. Learn what the symptoms of dependence on cocaine are and how to recognize symptoms as they Read More…

Emotional Sobriety in Addiction Recovery

Emotional Sobriety in Addiction Recovery

Recovery is a lifelong process of discovery and learning. Emotional sobriety has a big role in supporting an individual through recovery by focusing on positive thoughts, being around positive people and finding ways to spend time that do not revolve around drugs or alcohol. It is important to learn the ways emotional sobriety impacts addiction Read More…

How is Ambien prescribed?

How is Ambien Prescribed?

Ambien (zolpidem) is a sedative with hypnotic properties. It is prescribed in the treatment of anxiety and for managing mood related issues. It is also used to treat insomnia. The drug is not without its side effects, and therefore, physicians do not prescribe a course longer than four weeks. Ambien is a central nervous system Read More…