What is Vicodin Used For?

Vicodin combines both acetaminophen and hydrocodone which are pain killers. Hydrocodone is an opioid (narcotic) while acetaminophen is less potent and increases the effects of hydrocodone. Vicodin is used to relieve moderate to severe pain.   Vicodin An individual who uses alcohol, sedatives, tranquilizers or other narcotics should not use Vicodin to prevent dangerous side Read More…

Is luxury addiction treatment worth it

Luxury Addiction Treatment: Is it Worth It?

The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) and that National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) describe addiction as a chronic disease, similar to Type II diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Long-term recovery is required over the life span which focuses on lifestyle modifications to stay sober and clean. Learn about how luxury addiction treatment Read More…

Can I Quit Taking Ambien Cold Turkey?

Can I Quit Taking Ambien Cold Turkey?

Ambien is also known as zolpidem which is a sedative-hypnotic drug prescribed for insomnia. Benzodiazepine is present in Ambien which can produce withdrawal symptoms and be dangerous if a person quits cold turkey. Find out why tapering off Ambien is recommended over quitting cold turkey and how to get started.   Cold Turkey An individual Read More…

There is No Moderation When it Comes to Addiction

There is No Moderation When it Comes to Addiction

  The focus in drug addiction recovery has mainly focused on total abstinence in sober living. Individuals who struggle with addiction or alcoholism understand one of the primary goals every day is to avoid drinking or using drugs. The approach works for many thousands of people yet some believe total abstinence to be too extreme. Read More…

Meditation Therapy Rehab, Opiates, The Villa Treatment Center

Step 10: Continuing On

Step ten of the twelve steps reads, “continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it”. At this point many people scoff. After enduring the hefty process of steps four through nine- taking inventory, putting one’s guts out on the table, analyzing them, cleaning them up, making amends for them when Read More…

Sober Living Do’s and Don’ts

Residential treatment is over and it is time to transition. Maybe, residential was never the option and the search is on for sober living during intensive outpatient or partial hospitalization programming. Sober Living is a means of maintaining sobriety and accountability in a home-like setting. However, with the need for sober livings far exceeding government Read More…

Picking a 12 Step Sponsor

In the early days of Alcoholics Anonymous, the first 12 step group, the idea of sponsorship didn’t quite look as it did today. Before millions of people all over the globe began following the 12 steps, only a few dozen in midwest America were using the spiritual program to get sober. When a new man, Read More…

Identifying and Handling Triggers

Addicts and alcoholics have a tendency to not handle things so well. This isn’t stigmatization as much as it is proven fact. For reasons stemming out of childhood, personality or mental disorders, certain input in an addict or alcoholic’s life translates into a volatile output. Due to their inability to process the information of such Read More…

Having a Chat: History of AA

Bill Wilson was desperate to get sober. A chronic alcoholic without an answer or solution to his ever prevailing drinking problem, Bill found himself in a sanitarium once again. This time, doctors assured him, could be the last before real damage in his brain would start to occur. A bit before then, Bill was visited Read More…


Mankind has a few basic needs for survival. In fact, man’s brain, specifically the midbrain section, is programmed to dictate operations based on these survival needs: eat, sleep, hunt, reproduce. Among a few others, most of human thought process stems from these needs. When drugs and alcohol, eating disorders, process addictions or other behavioral issues Read More…