How Can Men Stop Acting Out on Anger?

Anger in men is often viewed as masculine. It is seen as ‘manly’ when a man engages in fistfights or acts out their anger in a physical way. Traditionally, men are taught to be strong, and revealing their feelings is not meant to be a sign of strength, rather a sign of weakness. A lot Read More…

The Best Way to Get Rid of a Hangover

There are many cures and remedies available for hangovers. However there is little to no scientific evidence to support their effectiveness. In fact, scientists don’t know what causes alcohol hangovers. So what is the best way to get rid of a hangover? Or to prevent one? Getting Rid of a Hangover Time This is usually Read More…

What Does Greed Have to Do with Addiction?

The connecting thread between the different addictions is that never is never enough. Not for long. As the individual with an addiction goes deeper into their addiction, they tend to seek out more and more of their drug of choice. And it doesn’t matter whether they’re addicted to a substance or a relationship, the ante Read More…

Smoking and Drinking Go Hand in Hand

Smoking and drinking is a popular combination. Anyone who has ever been to a bar can vouch for that. Many people find it difficult to have one without the other. Unfortunately, tobacco and alcohol are amongst the deadliest drugs in the United States. The Link between Smoking and Drinking The reason that so many people Read More…

Alcohol Abuse Dangers

Why Alcohol Abuse is Dangerous

Most people know that alcohol abuse and alcoholism can be extremely harmful when left unchecked. The hazards of excessive drinking and alcoholism are well known. An estimated 3 million people die from alcohol each year and alcoholism is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. The body can only process a Read More…

Help for Percocet Withdrawal

Percocet, which is a blend of oxycodone and acetaminophen, is used to treat pain. If an individual is taking Percocet daily for longer than a few weeks, they can experience withdrawal. Percocet Withdrawal When withdrawal occurs, it means the central nervous system is attempting to regulate the body without the presence of oxycodone. Usually, Percocet Read More…

How the Body Develops Heroin Tolerance

There are many ways of taking Heroin. It can be injected, snorted, sniffed or smoked. Any way the drug is administered transports it to the brain rapidly. Individuals who are regular users of Heroin are at risk of developing a dependence to it. Heroin Tolerance The brain develops a tolerance to Heroin very quickly. This Read More…

Effects of Marijuana Abuse

The Effects of Marijuana Abuse

Marijuana is the dry shredded mix of the flowers, stems and leaves of the cannabis sativa plant, and is usually smoked. It is the most commonly abused drug in the United States. Smoking Marijuana causes respiratory problems or deficiencies of the immune system. Marijuana Abuse Can Marijuana be abused? Yes it can be. Although many Read More…

Learn About Smoking Triggers

A trigger is something that makes an individual want to do an activity, usually harmful. Triggers are different for different people. An individual who smokes or has recently quit smoking might have triggers such as drinking coffee, socialising, being in a stressful situation, or smelling cigarette smoke. Types of Triggers Knowing what triggers affect an Read More…

Methods of Quitting Meth Cold Turkey

What does quitting meth cold turkey mean? It’s stopping use of meth abruptly without any medical guidance or formal treatment plan. Is quitting meth cold turkey safe? What are the signs of meth withdrawal? Cold Turkey Meth Withdrawal Quitting meth cold turkey, that is, totally and all at once is the most difficult way to Read More…