Heroin is one of the most abused drugs in the United States, with over a million people abusing heroin or other opioid drugs. Heroin is a highly addicting drug due to the way it creates pleasurable cognitive effects. American Addiction Center asserts that “when someone uses heroin, it activates opioid receptors in the brain, which ultimately results in altered pain perception and a rush of rewarding, euphoric feelings. An accompanying surge of dopamine in the brain reward center reinforces continued use.”
This can make heroin substance abuse very dangerous for a few reasons. First, when an individual frequently uses heroin, the more they use it, the higher their tolerance making an overdose more likely. You may have heard the saying, “chasing the dragon,” when people refer to heroin because they chase that first high they experienced. Second, people who have may started using smoking or snorting may resort the user to injecting heroin to elicit an intense high. Intravenous heroin use can also lead to overdose. Lastly, intravenous use can increase the risk of skin infections, cardiovascular issues, blown veins, and various blood-borne illnesses, such as HIV.
Despite its dangers and reputation for harm, the use of heroin continues to climb higher in the US. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
- Rates of heroin use have increased across gender, socioeconomic status, age group, location, and race/ethnicity over the past 10 years.
- Among 18-25-year-olds, use has doubled during the last decade.
- Twice as many women use it now than in 2002.
- 90% of people that use it also use other substances.
- Heroin-related deaths have nearly tripled since 2002.
Heroin addiction is difficult, but heroin rehab can help your or your loved one’s drug addiction. All substance use disorders are treatable and can be managed successfully with the proper attention and treatment. If you notice specific signs and symptoms in yourself or a loved one that suggest you may be struggling with opioid use disorder, such as heroin cravings, acute withdrawal symptoms, or the inability to stop using, reach out to The Villa Treatment Center. We understand that heroin addiction comes in various forms that develop as a result of addiction genes within the family, environmental influences, or the availability of substance abuse. We will work with you to create substance abuse treatment that helps you receive a long-term recovery.
If you or someone you love wants to quit heroin, Call The Villa Treatment Center and receive inpatient heroin rehab.
Heroin Rehab
Heroin recovery is often associated with a heroin rehab center and heroin relapse due to the intense withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting drug abuse. The risk of heroin relapse is higher in the early stages of addiction recovery. However, when admitted to inpatient treatment, the risk is reduced.
At The Villa, located outside of Los Angeles, our treatment facility assists those suffering from opioid dependence by offering a heroin treatment center that is familiar with heroin substance use disorder and its effects on the brain. The Villa offers heroin detox, counseling, dual diagnosis, medication-assisted treatment, and many other alternative evidence-based therapies, such as:
- Group Therapy
- Family Therapy Sessions
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Individual Therapy
- And other behavioral therapies
We design our heroin rehab treatment process to fit the individual’s rehabilitation and relapse prevention needs. The Villa treatment facility helps those who abuse heroin find hope. We know sobriety can be difficult, but with our help, you or your loved one can learn to live life again, love yourself, and have hope that tomorrow is a new, brighter day.
Addiction treatment services are available to help with heroin abuse

What Is Heroin?
Heroin is an addictive drug made from morphine, a mind-altering substance taken from the seed pod of the opium poppy plant. The opium poppy has been cultivated in China and the mainland of Southeast Asia for over two centuries.
The color of heroin depends on how it is made and what else may be mixed in with it when being produced. It can be white or light brown powder, or it can be a black, sticky substance that is referred to as “black tar”. Black tar is often used to inject heroin or smoke it.
Heroin is classified in the opioid category. Other opioids include prescription drugs. These prescription drugs are pain killers, such as codeine, oxycodone, roxicete, and hydrocodone.
Heroin addiction rehab is available. You don’t have to recover alone.
What Does It Mean To Be Addicted To Heroin?
Eric Patterson describes heroin “as an illegal substance that produces a strong high that is a key component of its highly addictive nature.” Heroin roots from a modified version of morphine. When ingested by the body, it rushes to the brain, where enzymes convert it back into morphine before attaching it to sites on the surface of neural cells called opioid receptors. Opioid receptors are located in the brain stem, spinal cord, and along the digestive tract.
Using heroin triggers the release of dopamine which provides feelings of reward and pleasurable sensations. As someone continues to use heroin they create a tolerance. The continual seeking of that first high leads individuals to use large amounts or purchase more potent heroin to achieve that high that was experienced at the beginning of their drug abuse.
The inability to maintain their intense high from heroin drug abuse is due to their tolerance. Their desire to avoid getting sober is due to the discomfort that is experienced from withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms include:
- Nausea
- Abdominal pain
- Sweating
- Shaking
- Nervousness
- Agitation
- Depression
- Muscle spasms
- Cravings for drugs
To help individuals work through their heroin addiction withdrawal, doctors will prescribe addiction detox and withdrawal medications. A partial opiate agonist likes Buprenorphine. A drug that stimulates the same opioid receptors within the brain that are affected by heroin abuse and addiction. Drugs such as Buprenorphine can significantly reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
Contact us at 1-818-639-7160 if you or someone you love is looking for a rehab center for treatment for heroin addiction.
Heroin Rehab at The Villa Treatment Center knows that finding a heroin addiction rehab center that understands heroin addicts are suffering from an addiction. Opioid use disorders treatment provides social model detoxification, and various therapies to reduce your heroin cravings. Opioid dependence can make life unenjoyable, but our heroin addiction treatment at The Villa Treatment Center can retrain your brain to enjoy life, and fulfill personal and professional relationships.