Alcoholism in the family

How Does My Alcoholism Affect My Family

Children with alcoholic parents are far more likely to become alcoholics themselves. The poor family environment affects them mentally, physically, and emotionally. They can suffer from behavior issues that make it difficult for them to function as adults. Communication issues, a legacy of their troubled childhood, follow them well into adulthood.

The best thing to do is to nip the situation in the bud. And, you have to take responsibility for it.

A maturing child is not unaware of the different and abnormal behavior that an alcoholic parent can show. There are mood swings that can confuse a child dependent on adults for love and care. The addicted adult’s behavior is governed by periods of sobriety that intersperse drunken behavior. This affects the conduct of the rest of the family, particularly impressionable and vulnerable kids.

There are nearly 30 million adult children of alcoholics in America. The risk of these people becoming addicts themselves is four times higher than the risk of adults who come from families with no addiction problems. Children, who frequently do not have an adult to turn to, grow up without knowing how to cope with situations. They suppress their emotions. When these suppressed emotions do not find an outlet, then alcohol is often used as a tool to initiate emotional release. Sometimes, apart from the environmental factors, children of alcoholic parents are also compromised by genetics, which increases their chances of taking to alcohol without the required moderation.

There are a number of symptoms displayed by adult children of alcoholics. These are collectively known as AcoA syndrome. Fear is the most common symptom associated with Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACoA). This fear can surface on any occasion, such as a change of job, new relationships, and also the fear of making mistakes.

The lack of emotional moorings during the early years can leave them without clear understanding or right and wrong, and instill manipulative tendencies in them. Fear of failure can drive them to be perfectionists. Because these adults have grown up in an environment of abuse, and have learnt to tolerate it, they consider it as normal. They may lack the sensitivity to empathize with their fellow humans. Matters are further compounded when they refuse to acknowledge their situation and continue to deny that they have problems in their lives.

While many children of alcoholic parents grow up into becoming responsible citizens leading normal lives, some have problems adjusting and need help. Alternative healing therapies and group sessions of the kind held by AA are options.

Today, there is growing understanding of the needs of ACoAs and you can avail the services of counselors. Adults who have taken to alcohol as an escape from the psychological issues stemming from a traumatic childhood can benefit immensely from such counseling and therapies.

If you’re an adult child of an alcoholic parent and are suffering from the issues mentioned above, then The Villa Treatment Center can help you. Self-medication with alcohol is not the solution. Our experienced recovery experts can guide you in extricating yourself from this situation. Call us. 1-818-639-7160
