Cocaine has addictive properties which are powerful and illegal. Considered a schedule II controlled substance with some legal therapeutic application as a pain reliever, the drug is highly abused for its pleasurable stimulant effects. It can also cause death in some individuals. Find out more about cocaine and how to look for signs and symptoms Read More…

How is Gambling Bad for You?
Gambling is not a problem unless the person who is gambling has recognizable signs of compulsive behavior. Some people are able to gamble here and there, set limits and stop when desired. Other individuals struggle with ‘problem gambling’ which is a progressive addiction with many negative consequences. Learn about the symptoms of gambling addiction and Read More…

What are the Side Effects of Vicodin?
Vicodin is a powerful drug which can impact a person’s mind and body. The drug is made up of two separate compounds (hydrocodone and acetaminophen). Both compounds have effects on the body in different ways. Learn about the effects of Vicodin and when to seek medical attention for any side effects or issues with the Read More…

Can You Overdose on Marijuana?
It is possible to consume more marijuana than necessary, although impossible to experience toxic overdose. When too much marijuana is eaten, symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, nausea, vomiting or even a sensation of dying may occur but it is not fatal. Recognizing symptoms of a marijuana overdose can be helpful in seeking treatment and learning Read More…

What are the Signs of a Prescription Pill Addiction?
A prescription drug addiction can be hidden in plain sight. Early intervention is often the best way to help a loved one seek treatment to increase chances for a successful, long lasting recovery. Physical and emotional damage is also minimized when addiction is caught early on. Learn to identify the signs of prescription drug use Read More…
Who Should Be Drug Tested and When?
Drug testing can be important for several reasons. Local governments, businesses or organizations may mandate drug testing for employees while other drug tests may be required by law enforcement, courts or requested by loved ones. Learn about drug tests, why testing is done and who can be subjected to tests. Physical Tests A physical Read More…

How Do I Spot Drug-Seeking Behavior?
A person with drug seeking behaviors has an addiction. Getting help for drug seeking behavior and addiction is important before it gets out of hand. Identification of an individual who is seeking drugs can be challenging but knowing what to look for can help plan next steps to get the person with addiction help. Read More…

How Do I Spot Drug-Seeking Behavior?
A person with drug seeking behaviors has an addiction. Getting help for drug seeking behavior and addiction is important before it gets out of hand. Identification of an individual who is seeking drugs can be challenging but knowing what to look for can help plan next steps to get the person with addiction help. Read More…

How Do I Spot Drug-Seeking Behavior?
A person with drug seeking behaviors has an addiction. Getting help for drug seeking behavior and addiction is important before it gets out of hand. Identification of an individual who is seeking drugs can be challenging but knowing what to look for can help plan next steps to get the person with addiction help. Read More…

Getting Help for an Opiate Addiction
Opiates are a narcotic drug used medically as prescription painkillers. A state of euphoria can be induced by use of opiates which can lead to opiate addiction. Learn how opiate addiction affects individuals, how to notice signs and what treatment options are available if a loved one is struggling with addiction. Treatment Three types Read More…