Addiction to marijuana can come in many forms: mental, psychological, spiritual and physical. Dependence on marijuana occurs physically when a person’s body is used to the presence of the drug. Learn more about how physical addiction looks when an individual is dependent. Physical Dependence on Marijuana Dependence on marijuana is common when a person chronically Read More…
Pot Use Can Trigger Addictive Behaviors
Individuals who use pot (cannabis, marijuana) regularly show increased levels of impulsive behavior. This is according to a study conducted in the Netherlands, and published in the British Journal of Pharmacology.The study further states that regular pot use can be a major trigger in regards to addiction. All individuals who use pot run a significant Read More…
Exercises to Help Stop Weed Smoking
The best motivation to stop smoking weed, or quit any kind of addiction is personal motivation. An individual might change their habits for a short period of time with external motivating factors, such as pressure from loved ones or probation officers, but they will usually relapse. With personal motivation, the likelihood of the individual quitting Read More…
Is Weed Addictive?
Weed can be incredibly addictive, depending on the individual. Both mentally and physically addictive, the longer a person uses weed, the greater the chances of developing an addiction. New research suggests there are some benefits to the drug but it can also have harmful side effects. Learn about the addictive properties of weed and how Read More…