Mojo is not just a term used by Austin Powers in a movie. It is something people can actually have, and lose. Someone in addiction recovery may suddenly lose mojo and finds addiction knocking on the door again. When motivation is gone to stay sober, find out how to get it back. Most Common Reasons Read More…
What Are the Benefits of Online Support Groups?
An essential part of completing rehab treatment and staying in recovery is aftercare. Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous form a big part of aftercare programs, where the individual in recovery is encouraged to attend these groups. Support groups are of immense benefit to an individual who is transitioning from treatment to recovery. Read More…
How Can I Let Go of Fear in Recovery?
Fear is a real stinker of an emotion. It drives addiction and keeps people from truly being happy in recovery. Overcoming this obstacle is a big challenge for people with addiction. Fear is a natural emotion people experience but sometimes an individual needs protection from this disabling emotion. Learn how to not let it ruin Read More…
How Does Expressive Writing Therapy Work?
Writing about traumatic, stressful or highly emotional events may not provide improvement in psychological health. When asked to do so in an expressive capacity, the ability to look at past traumatic events and experiences for short periods of time can support people in the long term. This may result in a higher level of emotional Read More…
What is Emotionally Focused Therapy?
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a process that was developed by two psychologists back in the 1980s. The basis of EFT draws from older therapies and theories which reflect that, if healing is to occur, emotions must be the primary focus. Challenges such as addiction, rooted in an emotional base, cannot be intellectualized or changed. Read More…
Can Horses Help My Mental Health and Addiction Recovery?
When combined with traditional psychotherapy, activities involving horses can help people suffering from a range of mental conditions and addiction. Learn how horses are helpful and ways to incorporate them into a recovery plan. Just the Facts Some fun things to discover about horses and treatment include: Horses have been involved with physical, occupational and Read More…
How a Heroin Craving Feels
Heroin cravings can be some of the toughest to ignore when the calling comes. It is sharper, stronger and more intense than some people imagine. Learn the way cravings work and how it feels to experience a strong desire to use heroin. Some tips will be provided to help work past the cravings to stay Read More…
Addiction Recovery Resources for LGBT Community
There is consensus among LGBT experts that the discrimination, isolation and social pressures faced by individuals of the LGBT community increases their risk of using drugs and alcohol to cope. The following are some of the findings of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA): LGBT individuals are more likely to use drugs and Read More…
Is Anonymity Required for Addiction Recovery?
Addiction recovery can be a challenge. Society can appear to be judgmental and that can be disheartening for the recovering addict. Addiction taxes mind and body. The process of recovery addresses this state of physical and mental weakness. In times of weakness and despair, it is worth remembering that life after detoxification is beautiful and Read More…
Using Methadone for Opiate Addiction Recovery
Methadone is one option people use in treatment for drug detoxification to mitigate symptoms of withdrawal and block effects of opiate drugs. Withdrawal symptoms can be eliminated and drug cravings relieved using methadone. Learn more about how methadone works, how it helps address drug addiction and the general properties of the medication. Opiate Withdrawal Read More…