Mojo is not just a term used by Austin Powers in a movie. It is something people can actually have, and lose. Someone in addiction recovery may suddenly lose mojo and finds addiction knocking on the door again. When motivation is gone to stay sober, find out how to get it back. Most Common Reasons Read More…
What Do I Do When I’ve Lost the Hunger for Change?
The motivation or will to do something is the most significant predictor of success. The same concept applies when an individual wants to make changes in their life. The fact is that making a change is difficult because people tend to remain the way they are for a long time and their habits are deeply Read More…
Taking Your Life Seriously (While Having Fun)
When a person decides to become sober, it does not mean the end of that person’s life or the beginning of a ho-hum existence. Sobriety can be filled with fun, challenging and rewarding aspects. It depends on the person’s point of view. Learn some healthy ways to have fun while sober and not take life Read More…
Tips from Highly Motivated People in Long Term Recovery
The challenge of staying motivated in recovery is that life may feel more exciting on the other side but it takes time to get there. Sober life takes time to get used to after a life under the shadow of addiction. Eventually a person’s motivation may wane and the risk of relapse can reappear. The Read More…
3 Ways to Build a Positive Mindset
A positive attitude goes a long way towards making everything easier. When a person has a positive attitude, the ups and downs of life are easier to deal with. Cultivate positivity by building a mindset focused on the three basic principles. Remain in Control Attitude does not emerge from what happens to a person but Read More…
How to Handle an Addict Who Isn’t Ready to Quit
In an ideal world, every person with addiction will arrive in rehab cognizant of the disorder and ready to get well. In reality, that is not how addiction (or people) work. It is a long process oftentimes to get a person with addiction to admit the need for help. Learn some ways to handle a Read More…
Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life
The way a person feels can change everything about an individual’s outlook on that moment, day, even life over the long term. Attitude is one things that can be changed in the midst of challenges in recovery. Sobriety is about learning how to find the positive rather than negative aspects of life. Changing one’s attitude Read More…